I was thrilled to receive the following comment this morning on this post: “I was very excited to read your blog about the Jane Burden plaque. My musical, POSSESSED, about Jane Burden’s relationship with Morris and Rossetti is being showcased at the Oxford Playhouse in 2008.” I followed the link to the POSSESSED site and … Read more

Book Recommendation: The Pre-Raphaelites by Christopher Wood

One of the first books I ever purchased about Pre-Raphaelite art was The Pre-Raphaelites. My Pre-Raphaelite library is constantly growing, but this beautiful book remains my favorite. It is quite large in size, but that’s a wonderful thing as it allows the book to be literally filled to the brim with large, vivid pictures of … Read more

The Blessed Damozel

The Blessed Damozel, Dante Gabriel Rossetti The blessed damozel leaned out From the gold bar of Heaven; Her eyes were deeper than the depth Of waters stilled at even; She had three lilies in her hand, And the stars in her hair were seven. Her robe, ungirt from clasp to hem, No wrought flowers did … Read more