Inspired by artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s passion for wombats, every Friday is Wombat Friday at Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood. “The Wombat is a Joy, a Triumph, a Delight, a Madness!” ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti
This week, our hero the wombat appears with the latest edition of The Review, the principal publication of The Pre-Raphaelite Society (edited by Serena Trowbridge) and the PRSUS, the Society’s U.S. newsletter (edited by Tim McGee). Both are excellent publications and I enjoy being a member of the PRS. If you’d like to join, membership info is here. You can also read the PRS blog and follow them on twitter.

This week’s roundup of links:
Kirsty Stonell Walker reviewed the film Suffragette.

Paintings not seen in 100 years unveiled in Birmingham exhibit of E.R. Hughes
The Virtual Victorian: Ada Lovelace and the Difference Engine
Windows on the Soul: AS Byatt on Simon Schama’s The Face of Britain

When unmarried mothers were blamed for everything