Women’s Hour visits the Pre-Raphaelite exhibit at the Tate to discuss the female Pre-Raphaelite artists. I am pleased with the the attention paid to Elizabeth Siddal. In particular, her illustration of The Lady of Shalott is given a nice bit of attention. They also talk about Rosa Brett, Jane Burden Morris and May Morris. You can listen online (it doesn’t seem to be restricted to location, as BBC iPlayer is).

Drat! This is what I get for getting behind in my blog reading. 🙂
I learned about a year ago that not only are the BBC Radio streaming links not geo-restricted, but most of the programs (including this one) are available as podcast downloads for seven days after broadcast. At least the streaming link is good for a year, though I can’t listen to that in the car.
Ah, well, I’ll enjoy listening to this any way I can get it. 🙂