Well, hello there 2014! We’ve barely begun to get acquainted. I don’t have a feel for you yet. You still hold that thrilling newness and I can not peek inside of you.
But I know that right now, you are magical. At this moment you are twelve months of possibility. And I long to dwell in possibility.
I hope that we shall get along well, for I intend to find beauty within you. I will take you moment by moment. Although it would be ridiculous to hope that all of those moments will be joyful, I will try not to hold the negative moments against you. Sometimes you can not avoid sending those moments my way, they are a part of life’s dance and I need a rhythm that changes. But for the most part, I hope that you treat us all kindly and that your seasons will follow their natural flow without any major upheavals.
And for all of us who are lucky enough to still be here to experience you, my hope is that we remember that it is up to us to fill you with goodness and bliss– there are moments we should strive for, but we have to create the right atmosphere for them to happen. We must pursue, read, learn, feel, create, love.
Thank you 2014, and welcome. I hope we shall be friends.
This is a beautiful painting (Pandora?) but who is the artist? I’d love to know!
The painting is ‘Psyche Opening the Golden Box’ by John William Waterhouse