Admittedly, my interest in the Pre-Raphaelites borders on the obsessive. One of my favorite indulgences is searching for repetitive details, like these earrings:
It’s a small thing to notice and I’m sure that the actual earrings themselves don’t hold any real significance other than they belonged to Fanny Cornforth. But small details like this excite me. It’s probably of no scholarly importance and doesn’t really tell us anything further about Fanny, but it is a fun piece of information to file away.

Dear Stephanie
I do know exactly what you mean – it gives a real feeling of achievement to find the same item appearing in different pictures and spotting jewellery is one of my favourite things to do where the Pre-Rapahaelite paintings are concerned. For example, the spiral pearl hair ornament or the red coral beads…
I am sure there are many more to keep us slight obsessives happy, whiling away a few hours discovering connections.
I particularly like the last pencil sketch of Fanny Cornforth – she looks so wistful and melancholy, as if she knows that life with Rossetti will never be easy.
Best wishes
It is a feeling of achievement, what a perfect way to describe it. I am so glad that you share my passion.