This week marks the beginning of Mythic March, so my posts have been celebrations of mythology and legend: Legendary Armor and The persistence of Myth.
If you are interested in incorporating the beauty of myth, fantasy, and fairy tale into your own home, visit my friend Grace’s blog Domythic Bliss.
Kirsty Stonell Walker has shared paintings of Military WAGs, and a book review of The Hours Before by Robert Stephen Parry (I received my copy the other day and can’t wait to read it).
Restoration work costing £50,000 has begun on a mural by a Pre-Raphaelite influenced painter on the walls of church in the West Midlands.
Forgotten Charles Allston Collins painting may be of Elizabeth Siddal: The Devout Childhood of St. Elizabeth of Hungary
I love wombat friday, and Domythic bliss!