It’s frivolous. It’s fun. Wombat Friday is growing and every week I gleefully enjoy everyone’s contributions. Apart from the silliness, I’m sort of moved by it all. It feels like a shared sense of community. Beneath a layer of wombat tomfoolery lies evidence of our shared passion and enthusiasm. Somehow we stumbled upon a sort of group project.
Rossetti was right. Wombats are a delight and a madness.
They certainly are. I have a sneaking suspicion that wombat no. 3 may soon be heading my way too…word is she could be called Lizzie…
never enough wombats!
I am absolutely awed at how its grown!! Wombats at the exhibition, at Red House, in everyone’s homes! Wombats forever!!! <3
Grace Nuth it’s so exciting and fun…I can’t believe how much it has grown!
Wombat Friday is now officially A THING.
It sure as heck is! And you started it my dear!!