Wombats can participate in Mythic March too, you know.
Pre-Raphaelites and Fairy Tales are a perfect combination. Beauty, magic, perhaps a hint of danger. So today’s Wombat Friday is all about celebrating Fairy Tales. But first, you have to welcome Kirsty, who shares her first Wombat Friday post at The Kissed Mouth.
Now, for your perusing pleasure:
Terri Windling on Pre-Raphaelites and Writers of Fantasy
Grace Nuth’s post The Fairest of Them All: Fairy Tales and the Pre-Raphaelites
A post of mine from last year, after reading Undine
ArtPassions.net Simply pages and pages of fairy tale art. Perfection.
Jan Marsh’s biography of Dante Gabriel Rossetti mentions that “The ultimate sources for Sister Helen lie in Walter Scott’s Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, and Thomas Keightley’s Fairy Mythology, a compendium of European folkore and longtime favorite with the Rossetti family” She goes on to mention Rossetti’s engraving for Allingham’s Maids of Elfenmere, inspired by Rhine Legends (1839). Naturally, I’m curious about these works and have decided to read them. If you’d like to read along:
Summary of Walter Scott’s Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft and a full text at Sacred Texts.
The Fairy Mythology by Thomas Keightley at Project Gutenberg
Rhine Legends at archive.org (I think that this is the version I’m looking for. Still not certain as google is turning up several different Rhine legends book of the same time period. There’s also this one at Project Gutenberg)

I almost neglected to mention one of my favorite sites. I dearly love Cabinet des Fees. An online journal of fairy tales, I read it regularly and I promise you that if you just dip into their archives for a moment, before you know it you will have been reading for hours.
Thank you for posting this, Stephanie! These are some very helpful resources.