The Most Unexpected Pre-Raphaelite Sighting Yet

Of all of our Unexpected Pre-Raphaelite Sightings, this one surprised me the most.  We are avid Netflix users and my daughter and I have been watching Cheers together.  We started at episode 1 a few months ago and we reached season 10 over the weekend.  We just watched season 10’s Halloween episode and you can imagine how surprised I was when Frasier and Lilith enter the bar and announce that they are dressed as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his sister Christina:

Lilith as Christina Rossetti, Frederick as Spider-Man, Frasier as Dante Gabriel Rossetti

19 thoughts on “The Most Unexpected Pre-Raphaelite Sighting Yet”

  1. How in the world did I ever miss this? I’ve seen (I thought) every Cheers episode several times over, both before and after awareness of the PRB. Crazy! I’ll be watching for it. Thanks for posting this. 🙂

  2. I found an earlier episode where Rossetti is mentioned briefly. Remember their ongoing rivalry with Gary’s Tavern? In the episode ‘Bar Wars’, the Cheers gang overrides Gary’s television system during a satellite access only prize fight with a showing of the Norm and Cliff poetry evening. While Cliff and Norm are reading poetry, they mention Rossetti.


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