This page is limited to 2013 only and if I neglected to share your Wombat Friday contribution, please let me know. It was not intentional; gathering together everyone’s images was painstaking. Only original images are shared. 2014 images will be added to a separate archive as they appear.
The first Wombat Friday. It’s Friday, celebrate with a wombat!
Posted on the 9th anniversary of . “Wombat Friday! Wombats always visit on Feb. 1 so they can say Happy Anniversary.”
It’s Friday and you know what that means. Our weekly visit with the wombat! This week he is brushing up on his Hamlet. He has aspirations.
Cottingley Fairy Wombat
Our wombats will rule the world! Every week, more people join in on #wombatfriday. The fact that I have inspired perfectly intelligent and sane people to pose and photograph cuddly wombat toys is a source of pride for me. Huzzah!
This week, Wombat Friday celebrates author Kirsty Stonell Walker’s birthday! If you are smitten with Pre-Raphaelite models, you must read her book ‘Stunner: The Fall and Rise of Fanny Cornforth’.
Part of the Brigid Ashwood journal giveaway!
“Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them.” (John Ruskin)
I received a package this week that was so lovely, I had to incorporate it into Wombat Friday. Thank you to Jo Secondo for sending me a vintage copy of The Macdonald Sisters, beautifully wrapped in William Morris paper and with a Rossetti card!
Wombats mentioned in The Memorials of Burne-Jones and my brownie recipe can be found here.
“Fanny the Wombat sensed something was definitely up with the cake this #WombatFriday. ‘Some fool’s left the force-field on’, she thought in disgust…” —Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Miss Walker chose Wombat Friday as her subject to talk about in school this afternoon.”-Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Happy Wombat Friday. Fanny settled down with a bowl of creme egg ice-cream and a new book…”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
“‘Yuck, Millais! It’s almost enough to put you off your cake…’ said Fanny the Wombat, with a mouthful of cake. Happy Wombat Friday!”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
” Fanny has been looking over the review copy of the new Pre-Raph catalogue for the National Museums Liverpool…”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
” Fanny wonders if eating a chocolate wombat biscuit would constitute cannibalism in any way….”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
‘Where’s my cake?’ said Fanny. ‘Shhh,’ said Mrs Walker, ‘I’m still thinking about Wilfrid Blunt and Harry Cust playing naked tennis …*sigh*…’ —Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Fanny is enjoying our ‘new’ book, Magnificent Dreams, bought for 24p from Amazon. Hurrah!”-Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Thank Wombat it’s Friday! What a long week it’s been. Just time to sit back and enjoy cake and ‘The Lady of Shalott’ in Russian. I think I’ll need more cake.”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
“‘What do you mean, she’s spending the entire weekend finishing the redraft of her novel about Alexa Wilding due out in the Spring next year?’ asked Topsy. ‘Her oven’s broke,’ replied Fanny, ignoring the shameless promotion of the forthcoming novel.”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
‘What do you mean, she blew all the cake money on some French catalogue?!’–Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Fanny however has been out and about this week in Brighton, in the footsteps of the real Fanny Cornforth who spent some time in service at 116 Western Road, now a fish and chip shop. Mmmm, chips….”–Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Who’s that?” “She’s from Germany. She’s brought chocolate. She’s called Bad Em.” “She doesn’t sound so bad…”-Kirsty Stonell Walker
“Wombat Friday greetings from Bottom the Wombat (Top’s alter ego), who has adorned himself with a lovely Parrish Relic to celebrate…”–Pola Negri
” Bottom the Wombat and Beardsley the Cat contemplate a fine summer reading selection on Wombat Friday.”–Pola Negri
” This Wombat Friday, Bottom the Wombat is saving his dollars, hoping to bid on Rossetti’s picture of Janey as Proserpine…”–Pola Negri
” On a sultry summer evening, Bottom the Wombat sends his best Wombat Friday greetings to you all…”–Pola Negri
” On this Wombat Friday evening, Melusine the Cat and Bottom the Wombat remember Lizzie Siddal, in commemoration of anniversary of her birth on July 25th.”–Pola Negri
” Melusine the Cat and Bottom the Wombat cannot agree on a Pre-Raphaelite image to admire, so they are at odds with one another on this Wombat Friday!”–Pola Negri
” Melusine the Cat and Bottom the Wombat, now reconciled after last week’s spat, can be seen admiring some of Rossetti’s artwork together on #WombatFriday.”–Pola Negri
” Bottom the Wombat excitedly greets the new arrival, Guggums the Wombat, on this #WombatFriday.”–Pola Negri
” On this #WombatFriday, Beardsley the Cat seems somewhat bemused as Bottom the Wombat introduces him to the recent arrival, Guggums the Wombat.”–Pola Negri
” The wombat pair, Guggums and Bottom, go to great heights to commemorate the Aug. 28th anniversary of Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones’ 180th birthday on this #WombatFriday. Belated birthday wishes, Ned!”–Pola Negri
” In an homage to Rossetti’s dearly departed dormice, Bottom and Guggums sit on their wee wicker chairs…but, happily, they need not rely on Rossetti to provide daily sustenance, so they will be here to enjoy their tea next #WombatFriday as well!”–Pola Negri
” “The time has come, the Wombat said, to talk of many things/Of Dodgson’s photograph of dear Rossetti (quite the thing!)/Of why our tea’s no longer hot/And whether pigs have wings.” Friday the 13th #WombatFriday greetings to you all!”–Pola Negri
Wombat art critique overheard on #WombatFriday: Bottom:”I say, this isn’t a PRB painting!” Guggums: “Ahh, but it is by that nice fellow Edward Robert Hughes…you know, he is Arthur Hughes’ nephew and was studio assistant to William Holman Hunt. He turned out rather well as a painter, don’t you think?!”–Pola Negri
” Special, unusual and utterly unexpected delivery from the postman on this #WombatFriday–one of these things is not like the others! Greetings from Guggums, Bottom…and Fizzgig.”–Pola Negri
” On #WombatFriday, Stunner the Wombat exclaims, “I am ready for my Ophelia pose, Mr. Millais! Mr. Millais? Hello…?”.”–Pola Negri
” Whilst still awaiting Mr. Millais on this #WombatFriday, Stunner admires another Ophelia-like picture featuring Pola Negri (Cheryl of Dreamchild), and finds it to be reminiscent of Julia Margaret Cameron’s evocative photographic images. [Dreamchild photo by the very talented Cheryl Fair]”–Pola Negri
” Goblin Market on #WombatFriday “Morning and evening/Maids heard the goblins cry:’Come buy our orchard fruits,/Come buy, come buy…’ ” Wee wombats Stunner and Effie enact the roles of the two sisters, fatefully curious Laura and wisely cautious Lizzie, whilst Bottom the Wombat has a cameo as a goblin: “One like a wombat prowl’d obtuse and furry”. Thanks to artists Brian Froud and Julien Hatswell for creating some of the exotic goblin participants.”–Pola Negri
” All of the wombats (Bottom, Guggums, Stunner and Effie) are enjoying chocolate delicacies in celebration of International Wombat Day — but, having learned from the sad fate of Rossetti’s late lamented Top, will not partake of any cigars after dining!”–Pola Negri
” This #WombatFriday, Stunner and Effie recreate a detail from Millais’ “Autumn Leaves”, under the watchful eyes of Guggums and Bottom. Perhaps they will be rewarded with chocolate treats after their reenactment? Wombats can only hope…”–Pola Negri
” This #WombatFriday is also El Dia de los Inocentes, the 1st day of the 2-day El Dia de los Muertos festival. In honor of this, all four of the wombat compadres visit the cemetery in memory of Rossetti’s beloved Top, who departed this life on the 6th of November in 1869″–Pola Negri
” Heralding the arrival of yet another autumnal #WombatFriday, Effie the Wombat poses as one of Burne-Jones’ lovely musical angels….”–Pola Negri
” This #WombatFriday, Pola Negri (Cheryl of Dreamchild) and wombats Guggums & Bottom recreate Rossetti’s iconic painting, Beata Beatrix, a tribute to his beloved Lizzie Siddal (lovely, but lost to laudanum).”–Pola Negri
” Effie and Stunner seek inspiration from Rossetti’s muses as they ponder, considering which Pre-Raphaelite painting they might choose to create a vignette on another #WombatFriday.”–Pola Negri
” This #WombatFriday happens to fall on Friday the 13th. Not that she’s superstitious,but Guggums contemplates opening this box with some trepidation, as it might be bad luck!”–Pola Negri
” Posing for Edward Bearn-Jones on this #WombatFriday, Effie is thankful for the opportunity to hone her skills as an artist’s model.”–Pola Negri
” Diminutive Pola Negri peruses a ponderous tome of Pre-Raphaelite artwork, while the wee wombats look at another relevant volume — all seeking inspiration for future #WombatFriday vignettes and reenactments…[Thanks to Candace Sucher Savage for creating the tiny version of Pola.]”–Pola Negri
” On the eve of the winter solstice, this #WombatFriday we have Proserpine, whose reluctant descent to the Underworld leads inexorably to barren winter on the earth above. Guggums has recreated Rossetti’s vibrant painting (by popular request).”–Pola Negri
” In honor of Waterhouse’s “Tristan and Isolde Sharing the Potion”, all four wombats share a libation with some friends…and thereby get into the holiday spirits…er, spirit on this #WombatFriday.”–Pola Negri
Look who arrived all the way from Down Under just in time for WOMBAT FRIDAY!!(She tells me her name is Christina. I won’t argue with her, that’s for sure.) Raine Szramski
It’s that time again—WOMBAT FRIDAY!My wombat Christina wants to know more about her namesake. She wants me to order her biography by Jan Marsh. “Next paycheck,” I say unconvincingly. Raine Szramski
Sorry, Christina the Wombat and I are a wee bit late for Wombat Friday. I’ve had a rough week and Christina has been going through my Pre-Raph fiction.So Happy (Very Early) Wombat Saturday (with strawberries and cabernet and A.S. Byatt…) !! Raine Szramski
I’m in one of the last time zones for Wombat Friday. Christina the Wombat prepares to read about the wombat who started it all while having some Gingeroos…(I’m not a baker so I scoured the store after work for an appropriate theme.) Raine Szramski
Yes, it’s that time again: Wombat Friday!In honor of Rossetti’s upcoming birthday, here Christina the Wombat poses with one of the very first pre-Raphaelite books I ever bought (about 20 years ago at the first bookstore I ever worked). I didn’t have any pomegranates to match the cover, so Granny Smith apples had to do… Oh, and there’s a bottle of Australian pinot noir as well.Raine Szramski
Christina the Wombat settles down with some Pre-Raphaelite-inspired fiction and a bowl of chocolate ice cream I made from bananas.Raine Szramski
Christina the Wombat with my newest used book: the catalogue from the Tate Pre-Raphaelite exhibition in the ’80’s. Also featured is the homemade pecan-banana ice cream that broke my blender. (Christina is furious about that.)Raine Szramski
Christina the Wombat with some of my Burne-Jones books, greedily hording the nectarines I wait all summer for.Raine Szramski
And a happy belated wombat birthday to Lizzie Siddal!Raine Szramski
Christina is in a Romantic mood for Wombat Friday this week…Raine Szramski
Yes, I do read children’s books, too. And look at the little Doctor Who paperbacks! Aren’t they cute?Raine Szramski
Happy Wombat Friday to everyone, I say! Wombats rule.Raine Szramski
Rapture and joy, my yearly reviewed has been moved for the 5th time this week and I feel the twinge of another march fracture starting in my right foot. Instead of being sad, here is a picture of a wombat. #wombatfriday Later, gin.
Madeleine Pearce
A #wombatfriday shout out to Cecile Dubuis for a copy of the Rossetti catalogue raisonne. My reference library is very happy
Madeleine Pearce
Top would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (It isn’t #wombatfriday, but I couldn’t resist)
Madeleine Pearce
Happy #wombatfriday! Lady MacWombat has arrived and is already settling in with some reading material. She’s a bit put out by the lack of cake, however. Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat was very curious about Sebastian’s photoshoot prep. #wombatfriday — at Izaak Walton League, Elgin Chapter. Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat brushes up on her witchy wiles with a little help from Jan Marsh’s Pre-Raphaelite Women, the book that started it all for me waaaaay back when. #WombatFriday, #YearoftheWitch and release day for Witchfinder | A Short Horror Film on Popcorn Horror and Independent Film Entertainment & Distribution, all at the same time! She’s a very efficient wombat. Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat checks up on my writing progress. #wombatfriday Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat investigates another antique book find. Somebody scored this one for $5, but this time it wasn’t me. Still, it was worth a little bit of a markup on Etsy! Haven’t started reading yet, but curious about Miss Cary’s perspective (copyright 1900). Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat calls on Miss Edith for Halloween tea. Yes, that’s a tiny Ophelia print on the table — any doll of mine must be a Pre-Raphophile, after all! (Also very entertained that Facebook has a little square around Miss Edith’s face for me to tag her.) #wombatfriday Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat peruses Keith Gerling’s beautiful tintypes and gum bichromate prints. Check out some of his work at A project in the making? Could be. Stay tuned! #wombatfriday — with Christina Fleetwood and Laura J at Arcedium Coffeehouse. Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat’s perfect #wombatfriday breakfast: Leftover birthday cake and a birthday book! (Thanks, Mom and Dad!) Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat approves of Time-Life Books’ taste in cover art. #wombatfriday #burnejones Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat wishes the cast and crew of Lizzie Siddal (at the Arcola Theatre) a wonderful press night. Wish we could be there! #wombatfriday Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat has a surprise from St Nicholas! #wombatfriday Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat helps Tallulah and Miss Edith trim the tree. Valerie Meachum
Lady MacWombat is happy to see us home, and has declared herself Official Gift Inspector. (Thanks, Mom and Dad!) Valerie Meachum
With the world covered in white, Lady MacWombat wondered what a Pre-Raph does when you take away their colors. Valerie Meachum
On a rainy#wombatfriday evening,Lady MacWombat sniffs out some folktales and Millais. Valerie Meachum
“Hey! I’m new to the Wombat Friday fun, so let me introduce myself ! My name is May, I am a baby-wombat, I was named after William Morris’ daughter and the month I arrived home in France from Australia. Here is me and the mega Lady of Shalott puzzle! May the wombat rule !”–Alexandrion Drallipo
“Well, it may be my holiday, said May, but it’s still Friday…”–Alexandrion Drallipo
” Happy Wombat Friday! Dr Wombat Bishop checks out my new work-in-progress”–Mary Layton
” Today when I went up to the studio, Dr Wombat Bishop was googling his favourite Pre-Raphaelite pictures! Happy #WombatFriday!”--Mary Layton
“My Friday wombat from the gift shop of the National Art Gallery in Washington DC.”–Kate Laity
“Burden & The Mermaid in the woods… Happy Wombat Friday!”–Valerie Kleba
“and Burden is still havin’ a happy day – hope you are too.”–Valerie Kleba
” Burden takes a day off from his Pre-Raphaelite studies & has a cold one at the beach… Happy Wombat Friday!”–Valerie Kleba
” Happy Wombat Friday! Ned tempted by my fantastic soup at the Jumping Jenny coffee shop Brantwood Coniston. Jumping Jenny was the name of Ruskin’s boat. Out of shot many Pre-Raphaelite prints on the walls!”–Raven Jan
” I know this is a day late but Ned was so pleased to get off my bookshelf and be finally involved in a Wombat Friday he wanted it posting today, straight after our visit, rather than wait!”–Raven Jan
Raven Jan
” Happy Wombat Friday. We were not allowed to take photos in Wightwick Manor so here is Ned admiring my purchases, a Morris apron and a post card of the amazing painting The Mourners by Evelyn De Morgan.”–Raven Jan
“Burden preparing for winter… Happy Wombat Friday!”–Valerie Kleba
Well look who just arrived in time for her first #WombatFriday appearance! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weekend all! –William Morris Society of Canada Twitter Feed (@wmsc_ca)
Janey wombat excited on #WombatFriday that she might be visiting London soon —@wmsc_ca
Janey excited about first trip to London… Hoping for @RedHouseNT visit w/Top and @LizSiddalPlay tix #WombatFriday —@wmsc_ca
Janey Wombat proofing our next bulletin… Great events are planned including hands-on fun in January @wmsc_ca
Mark your diaries and register for events: … Janey Wombat isn’t wasting time #WombatFriday —@wmsc_ca
Happy belated wishes to Valerie Meachum from Canada! @wmsc_ca
Janey Wombat at this week’s @wmsc_ca board meeting. Planning events with the help of chocolate.–@wmsc_ca
Janey Wombat @LizSiddalPlay @arcolatheatre during 2day London visit. Magnificent show! Bravi a tutti!–@wmsc_ca
Red House National TrustThis was an exciting year for Red House and it is a happy coincidence that it is the same year that Wombat Friday was born. A long forgotten mural was discovered at Red House and in the mural, a sleepy Pre-Raphaelite wombat is clearly seen. Wombat Friday was incorporated into Red House summer activities with the creation of their Wombat Trail.
Wombat was Rossetti’s affectionate name for Janey and named his own pet wombat Top after Morris – who thinks we should sell them in the shop here? —@RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – Top has been out in the orchard to get you today’s wombat weather forecast
Top has met some important people this week – here he is with Tessa, our curator, and Gill, our conservator.
_a href=’’>@RedHouseNT
It’s Wombat Friday and Top has been busy burrowing under tatty old carpet and lifting up old gripper rods – time for chocolate cake methinks @RedHouseNT
It may not be #wombatfriday and its not chocolate cake but its 12 May so happy birthday to Rossetti from Top ! @RedHouseNT
Why is Top the wombat reading Echos du Temps Passe Chansons #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Why on earth is Top the wombat keen on a gavotte ? #wombatfriday
Performances this weekend of Janey’s Music in the Drawing Room – not to be missed – it’s fab – songs from the songbook Morris gave to Janey – plus a socialist chant thrown in for good measure @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – Top had a very busy weekend last week – firstly meeting Noah for the first time @RedHouseNT
Top and Noah also visited Stoneacre last week – beautiful house and former home of Aymer Vallance who wrote the first biography of William Morris #wombatfriday@RedHouseNT
Last week Top and Noah also met Hautbois (Rick and Nel) who were performing Janey’s Music at Red House #wombatfriday, @RedHouseNT
And the final posting for this #wombatfriday is Top trying to join in on the harmonica – suffice to say, wombats are not good harmonica players! @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – time for chocolate cake and a good Pre-Raphaelite book !
Top the wombat is even getting fan mail now ! #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – this week Top the wombat has been on his travels again – on Tuesday he visited Kelmscott House for a meeting of the William Morris network where he met friends from Kelmscott Manor, Standen, Wightwick Manor, William Morris Gallery, Friends of the William Morris Gallery, William Morris Society and the Friends of Red House – they all loved him of course! @RedHouseNT
Between the wombat’s ears – Top inspects the progress of conservation on the Lizzie Siddal wallpainting – we’ve found a serpent but no wombats ! @RedHouseNT
Final #wombatfriday post this week – Top got to sample some Summer Ale this week at the Dove, Morris’s local hostelry, just up the road from Kelmscott House – great pub, great food and great beer – probably the first time they’ve had a wombat in for a pint though ! @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday everybody – Top’s seen some amazing things at Red House this week – here he is exploring – wonder what he found? @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – this week Top visited the the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in Spital Square – great organisation, of which Wm Morris and Philip Webb were founding members, @RedHouseNT
Top climbed a nearby fire escape for a view of the back of the Webb building on Worship Street – those dormers are just like the one for the Maids Dormitory at Red House @RedHouseNT
Top then spent the afternoon at the V&A – saw some fantastic Philip Webb drawings of Red House details (stairs, windows, fireplaces and weathervane) #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
A ‘mob’ of wombats has arrived today – on sale v. soon at Red House and the NT online shop – we’re very excited – especially as we think we may have discovered a wombat in our Burne Jones wallpainting !!!! #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – Top has just spotted a Morris and Co window in the parish church in Tavistock, Devon @RedHouseNT
Top is very impressed with how well our Red House apple tree is growing at home in Cornwall #wombatfriday #heritageapple @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday
Yesterday Top visited Court Barn Museum in Chipping Campden – beautiful museum and a ‘must visit’ for any fan of the Arts & Crafts movement @RedHouseNT
Top took a trip to see the famous PreRaph hangout Broadway Tower on his #wombatfriday trip to the Cotswolds RedHouseNT
On the way to Kelmscott Manor we stopped to pay our respects at Top’s namesake’s grave at Kelmscott Church @RedHouseNT
Top then spent an amazing #wombatfriday meeting the team from the Society of Antiquaries at Kelmscott Manor – Red House may have been described as ‘the beautifullest place on earth’ but the Manor is a strong challenger for the title! @RedHouseNT
Just back from Kelmscott – couldn’t wait to get the new skittles/kayles onto Morris’s Bowling Green – after all, a green without bowling is just a lawn ( which is most un-medieval! ) Top loves it! #wombatfriday
Happy #wombatfriday
Here’s our ‘mob’ of pre-Raphaelite wombats ready to go on sale today – each one named after wombatty or Red House people! @RedHouseNT
The wombats are here! On sale now in the Red House shop – hurrah ! #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Top hiding in the hollyhocks – happy #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Top’s looking forward to this weekend’s Arts & Crafts Fair – beautiful plants for sale too, not forgetting beautiful wombats for sale in the shop ! @RedHouseNT
Happy #wombatfriday – this week Top met a new Wombat called Button, made by Sally, one of our volunteers – by happy coincidence Button was the name of Morris’s housekeeper at Red House in the early 1860s @RedHouseNT
No chocolate cake for Top this #wombatfriday – instead he is enjoying a special cake made by Kath, one of our volunteers, to celebrate the 10th Anniversary this week of the National Trust opening Red House to the public
Hurrah! It’s #wombatfriday Can’t quite believe how appropriate the book is that Top found in our antiquarian book sales! We’ve got a very happy wombat here today. @RedHouseNT
And in the book on Lizzie, published by the Wombat Press , is a rather delightful logo of one of Top’s cousins
Happy #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Wombats appearing all over Red House getting ready for next week’s Wombat Trails for our younger visitors. #wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Top’s been to see Octavia’s Orchard on the Southbank this #wombatfriday
Hurrah for Octavia Hill!
Happy # WombatFriday
Last weekend Top took a trip to the Olympic Stadium – not as pretty as Red House but an impressive piece of architecture though @RedHouseNT
Last weekend Top visited Bexley’s other Victorian wonder, Crossness pumping station, an amazing industrial cathedral, designed to pump London’s sewage!
#wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Top the wombat wondered if Morris would have appreciated the Victorians covering their sewage pumping station with painted cast iron flowers ?
#wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Top also visited a rather wonderful sculpture by Peter Randall Page in the grounds of Southwark Cathedral
A commemorative sculpture for Mohegan Chief, Mahomet Weyonomon Sachem of Connecticut at Southwark Cathedral.
In 1736 Mahomet Weyonomon, died of smallpox in London whist negotiating with King George II on the issue of land rites. As a foreigner he was not allowed to be buried in the City of London and his body was moved to Southwark.
It is made from granite from the Mohegan tribal lands in New England.
#wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Wombat trails are launched today for our younger visitors – lets inspire a new generation with some Pre-Raphaelite wombat madness!
#wombatfriday @RedHouseNT
Happy #WombatFriday – family activities today include the Red House Wombat Trail and a workshop to design your own Morris inspired wallpaper – 1.30 to 4.30
Trail £1 – Workshop £2.50 – normal admission applies – NT members free admission @RedHouseNT
From the sublime to the ridiculous this #WombatFriday – fabulous morning with the press to begin with followed by a (successful) visit from the local environmental health officer this afternoon – Top has been busy making last minute checks on the press release! Look out for news on Monday! @RedHouseNT
Happy #WombatFriday – you really must get over to the Pre Raphaelite Society website to see the fab poem ‘On Top’ by Sarah Doyle – all about a certain marsupial! @RedHouseNT
We’ve had Grommits, gorillas, superlambananas and Wenlock and Mandevilles springing up all over the country over the last few years.
Today may be a day late for #WombatFriday but who thinks it might be a good idea (and more importantly fun – not to say a ‘madness and a delight’) to commission a series of giant fibregalss Burne Jones wombats for decoration by artists and community groups to be displayed across the country at pre-raph locations? @RedHouseNT
Wightwick Manoris a Victorian manor house located on Wightwick Bank, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. It is one of only a few surviving examples of a house built and furnished under the influence of the Arts and Crafts movement.
Wightwick Manors wombat “TOP” would love to join your gang.Here he is for our talk on Rossetti yesterday. #wombatfriday –>a href=’’>@NTWightwick
#WombatFriday our friend has been exploring the property today at Wightwick manor —@NTWightwick
#WombatFriday someone has come for lovely cake in our tearooms and a look at our wonderful collection —
#WombatFriday contributions from How We Might Live. ‘How We Might Live’ is a University of Maryland Special Collections exhibit exploring the life of William Morris. Twitter Feed, Website.
A special visitor in the exhibit for #marylandday…top the wombat!
Top is a big hit with kids in the #WilliamMorris exhibit
Couldn’t resist #wombatfriday at @RedHouseNT Found this little guy wandering the exhibit
Top and Topsy together! Do you see the resemblance #wombatfriday
Top in Iceland
Looks like Top may have gone red!
Top has been spotted lurking around the Kelmscott Press case admiring a copy of ‘Godefrey of Boloyne’
Top wants to be surrounded by beautiful and useful things…looks like he found the right place
Top marvels at the frontispiece of the Kelmscott Chaucer
Warning…wombat on the loose in the #WilliamMorris exhibit at Hornbake Library
Top has made his way to our historic preservation exhibit case…can anyone resist Kelmscott Manor?
Our featured item of the month for May ‘Some German Woodcuts’….don’t mind the wombat
Top hovers over Morris’s ‘Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’
A wombat at a wayzegoose? Top enjoys our wayzegoose menus printed at the Kelmscott Press
‘House of the Wolfings’ doesn’t sound like a safe place for top to hang about too long
Don’t fret Top…we mean hunting for Kelmscott books!
Did someone say chocolate Carmel tarts?
Top is ready for a wayzegoose!
Wombat on the loose at tonight’s event
Top tries on a UMD freshman beanie
Top visits the real Testudo!
A memorable image in the book illustration exhibit…Top finds Walter Crane
Top surveys the spread at the #UMDwayzegoose
Adopt a rare book…they need your help!
Top is registered for the #UMDwayzegoose …let the excitement begin!
Top and Punch!
Top and a UMD cadet uniform from 1914…don’t think it will fit little buddy!
An early printing of Leviathan is ready to adopt at the #UMDwayzegoose
Top befriends an exhibit curator!
Roots of the Mountain at the Inside the Vault table at the #UMDwayzegoose
Who let a wombat inside the vault?
Top inspired by a 1334 vellum manuscript at the #UMDwayzegoose
Can’t keep this guy away from the Morris ephemera
Top made a new friend in the book illustration exhibit
19th century Venice…from our book illustration exhibit
Top visits Flora’s Dictionary…one of our Adopt a Books
Top finds another friend in the book illustration exhibit
An exhausted Top after a long night of celebrating #WilliamMorris at the #UMDwayzegoose
Top tramples over the 8 vol Kelmscott edition of Earthly Paradise on vellum
Can a wombat handle rare books? He can if he wears white gloves! Top & Story of the Glittering Plain
The Kelmscott Press’s Story of the Glittering Plain, with lovely illustrations by Walter Crane
On the hunt for more Walter Crane images, Top finds Spencer’s Faerie Queene on display in #HornbakeLibrary
Top dreams big in our book illustration exhibit
Top visits the ‘pocket cathedral’
Top and Sanborn maps of Baltimore, MD
Happy World Turtle Day! Top the wombat found a 19th century testudo in our book illustration exhibit
Top and ‘Garden Tulip’ wallpaper designed by #WilliamMorris in 1885
Top surrounded by ‘Pimpernel 2’ wallpaper designed by #WilliamMorris in 1876
Top and ‘Willow Boughs’ wallpaper designed by #WilliamMorris in 1887
Top and ‘Willow Boughs’ wallpaper designed by #WilliamMorris in 1887
Surely wombats have a definite claim to beauty…Top surveys our book design exhibit case on #wombatfriday
Top examines a copy of H.G. Wells’ ‘Time Machine’ designed by W.A. Dwiggins…Would Morris approve?
‘Will ‘O the Mill’ by Roycroft Press, infamous imitator of Morris’ book design…Top looks unimpressed
Top on Top! Top the wombat discovers the Michigan J. Frog mascot on display in #Hornbake Library for History Day
Top the wombat hovers over the arts & crafts exhibit case…what a great way to kick off #wombatfriday
Top the wombat finds our featured item for June…Tennyson’s ‘Maud’ #wombatfriday
Top with our newest acquisition…Morris gone digital!
Top the wombat visits Morris’s Iceland
Wombat loose in the stacks…Top finds the collected works of William Morris
More wombat shenanigans in the stack…top uncovers ‘Yellow Book’
Do we have a wombat policy for our stacks? Top travels over to the Nonesuch Dickens
This wombat seems to have an affinity for Victorian literature…Top locates our Waverly novels
Something’s not quite right in our Louisa May Alcott collection
@TheFrameBlog We spotted Top hovering over a beautifully bound facsimile Kelmscott Chaucer!
Now Balzac’s ‘Droll Stories’ has caught Top’s attention
Top and Ruskin…a natural pair!
Sniffing out some 17th century rare books
Top and the ‘Tragedies of Swineburne’
“Lo, I am he who led the song through slender reed to cry” Morris’s trans. of Virgil…a lyrical end to #wombatfriday
Top the wombat beside his namesake…an engraving of #WilliamMorris by Barry Moser. Happy #wombatfriday
Top the wombat explores our trophy room for a history of #UMD sports
Wombats love a game of basketball, especially when there is a historical artifact involved
Top the wombat gets lost among our oversize #UMD baskeball and golf trophies
Top the wombat for VP? Exploring the Spiro T. Agnew memorabilia in #Hornbake Library on #wombatfriday
A wombat looks normal in this crowd…Top encounters the strange world of Spiro T. Agnew dolls on #wombatfriday
Now thats more like Morris…Top the wombat balances on Samuel Gompers for a glimpse into labor history #wombatfriday
Happy #wombatfriday The Maryland Room is open and ready for visitors…even the occasional marsupial!
Top the wombat checks out July’s featured item on #wombatfriday
A Morris & Co warning against impostors…strictly enforced by Top of course
It may be a long way across the pond but, Top finds a nod to Morris’s dear Red House in our exhibit
Top the wombat finds a young mustachioed #WilliamMorris during his Oxford years in our exhibit
Top investigates the collaboration of Morris and Burne-Jones to create the Kelmscott Chaucer
Top is ready to welcome visitors into the exhibit gallery on a rainy #wombatfriday at #UMD
Heat index is 108 degrees at #UMD …cool off w/ Top & Morris’s translation of ‘Gunnlaug Worm-Tongue’
Top the wombat hanging outside Hornbake Library on a beautiful, but very hot #WombatFriday
A beautiful day at #UMD … Perfect #WombatFriday weather!
Top the wombat makes new friends at the Jim Henson memorial statue at #UMD on #WombatFriday
It ain’t easy being green…Kermit the Frog and Top the Wombat at #UMD on #WombatFriday
The crepe myrtle trees are in full bloom here at #UMD …and irresistible to curious wombats #WombatFriday
Top runs into the Testudo statue at #UMD …be sure to rub his nose for good luck!
Can wombats tell time? Top w/ the #UMD sundial on #WombatFriday Bonus points if you can tell what time he was there
A closer look at Top the wombat’s noontime stroll to the #UMD sundial on #WombatFriday
Happy #WombatFriday ! With an empty exhibit gallery, Top finds solace w/ 2 of our #WilliamMorris exhibit curators
Top the wombat sniffs out zinnias at #UMD on #WombatFriday
Top the wombat w/ Maryland’s state flower the Black-Eyed Susan, in full bloom on this beautiful #WombatFriday
#WilliamMorris would surely approve of Top’s garden strolls at #UMD on #WombatFriday
A bench provides some shade and a beautiful view for Top on #WombatFriday
Top inspects the sweetbay magnolia trees that are almost ready to bloom on #WombatFriday
Beautiful orange and yellow blooms at #UMD on #WombatFriday
Be sure to leave a note when visiting the gardens at #UMD …Oh what poetry Morris would write!
Happy #WombatFriday from a library loving wombat at #UMD
Top the wombat with James M Cain’s typewriter on display in #Hornbake Library
Happy #WombatFriday Our exhibit is empty, so we put Top on display!
Happy #WombatFriday ! Top explores our collection of incunabula
Kings and queens and wombats…oh my! #WombatFriday
Top looks over lovely woodcuts from our incunabula collection
Incunabula text accented in red for a truly medieval flare always attracts wombats
From incunabula to fine press…Top admires a broadside from our Stanbrook Abbey Press collection
A tourist map and visitor’s guide to the Isle of Wight. Be sure to book a ‘hot or cold sponge bath’ for a small fee
Cherubs make a appearance in the corner if this early French map
Happy #WombatFriday ! Top finds a lovely quote from Edward Burne-Jones about the Kelmscott Chaucer
Vellum specimen leaves of the Kelmscott Chaucer being inspected by Top the wombat on #WombatFriday
Top explores our illustrated books and finds early German woodcuts of some mighty frightening birds
Wombat size woodcuts on #WombatFriday
An oversize illustration by Leonard Baskin for ‘Cave Birds’ by Ted Hughes dwarfs poor Top on #WombatFriday
Top uncovers an 1863 edition of ‘L’Enfer de Dante’ illustrated by Gustave Dore on #WombatFriday
‘The Son’s Sorrow’ illuminated by #WilliamMorris
Happy #WombatFriday ! New acquisition of Walter Crane illustrations of the ‘ The Tempest’
Top is drawn to beautiful things on #WombatFriday
Top sports #WMUC swag on #WombatFriday
No wombats in this tale (which might be a good thing). A classic edition of Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ #BannedBooksWeek
A beautiful illustrated edition of ‘Candide’ #BannedBooksWeek
Such beautiful poetry can be found among the list of challenged and banned works #BannedBooksWeek
New acquisition for Special Collections just in time for #WombatFriday
Surrounded by beauty on #WombatFriday! Top w/ ‘The Faerie Queene’ illustrated by Walter Crane
Proceed with caution Top! A new witchy exhibit on display in #HornbakeLibrary this #WombatFriday
Top checks out an interesting copy of ‘Frankenstein’ printed exclusively for the armed services #WombatFriday
Top with some spooky girls series books from our new Halloween display #WombatFriday
The stage is set for our live reading of ‘The Raven’ for #HalloweenAtHornbake today at 3pm and 3:30pm
We’ve topped 1,000 followers! To celebrate, here’s a dapper wombat with the Kelmscott Chaucer
Happy #WombatFriday! Top found a miniature book on the Kelmscott Press in our collections. Perfect size for wombats!
Happy #WombatFriday! Top the wombat with the Village Press edition of ‘Good King Wenceslas’
Happy #WombatFriday! Top uncovers holiday cards from Robert Frost
”Do you know the wombat at the zoo?” asked Rossetti; “a delightful creature–the most comical little beast.” (Memorials of Burne-Jones)
Thank you so much for gathering these, Stephanie! There were a lot I had missed (and oh, Pola has a Fizzgig! <3), and the familiar are fun to revisit.
Long live Wombat Friday!